After the coup here in Thailand, there was a much more visible military presence around town. Military were guarding many important buildings, TV and radio stations and located near university campuses as well. A new prime minister was selected by the military on October 1st to take care of the country until a proper election can be held some time next year. Since October 1st, the military presence has pretty much disappeared. There are no longer tanks around town which had become a huge tourist attraction here in Thailand. People came and gave food to the military personal, got their photos taken, and people started selling food near the tanks as there were so many people coming to get their pictures taken. One radio station even got a group of girls together to dance for the military people. Most of this stuff happened in Bangkok but we did have tanks around town here too. Therefore we had to get our picture taken with the take as well. The military guys were really happy to get their picture taken, especially with a foreigner that speaks Thai. Although he didn't let me hold his gun (like some people were allowed to do), we had fun getting our picture taken. 
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