May 22, 2007

Tip, a new member of God's family

Praise God, Tip was saved this past Sunday. Tip has been attending our church for the past few months and this past Sunday she was saved. Tip has severe migraine headaches and a friend of hers told her that if she wanted to get better, she needed to baptized. Tip didn't understand how that could help and so after church, she asked Naang (Tawm's aunt), some questions about baptism and church membership. Naang took time to talk to her and then Tip invited some of us over to her house for lunch and so that they could talk more. Tawm, Naang, Pawn, and Jaa all played a part in leading her to the Lord. While they shared the gospel, I got to entertain the kids outside the house!

On Monday, Tawm phoned Tip and she said that she slept so good that night. She doesn't remember sleeping that good in a long time. We praise God for that.

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