March 02, 2007

The Turtle that beat the Hare

When you live in another country, you often see things that are a little different than home, but this isn't different, it is just plain strange. There are a lot of animals that I could see a person taking for a walk. Dogs. Cats. Horses. Monkeys. But turtles? Rusty's neighbor has a multitude of pets, one of which is a good sized turtle (maybe its a tortoise). Every day she brings her turtle out for a walk to get a little exercise and the turtle always attracts a crowd. I haven't figured out why she does this, but that is a question that you can't always get answers to when you live overseas. But the lady is faithful in walking her turtle

We have all heard the story of the turtle that beat the hare because the hare fell asleep. Most of think a turtle and a 3 toed sloth would make for an interesting, all be it, a long race. This turtle would blow a 3 toed sloth out of the water. I am pretty sure it could probably beat a hare even if the hare didn't fall asleep. Although Guiness book says that world record speed for a turtle is .23 mph, Guiness hasn't been to Rusty's village. This turtle just doesn't move, it flies. Blink and it's gone, it is amazing. I guess that is why Thailand's slogan is "Amazing Thailand".

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