January 25, 2008

Geographically Inept

I have always considered myself a little bit of a geography buff. Call me crazy but I always enjoyed studying geography in school, memorizing all those provinces, states and countries. Name a country and can pretty much tell you where it is located.

During my visits and stays in America, I always thought it was fun to ask the American people what the captial city of their neighbor to the north was. I got all kinds of answers and on a rare occasion, someone got it right. I figured since Canada and the US are neigbors, people should know our capital city especially since Canadians have to memorize all the American state capitals (why are Tallahasee, Sacramento and Albany capitals anyways?). It baffled me how people didn't know. However, today in my Bible class, something happened that made me flabbergasted (don't know how to spell that). I asked my 3 students to name the 4 countries that border Thailand. All of them have lived here their whole lives. With all of them working together they got 3 of the 4. The couldn't remember that Cambodia along with Burma, Laos and Malaysia, border Thailand. I couldn't believer they didn't know that.

As a result, we are going to start studying geography. If God called us to play a part in seeing the gospel reach all nations, how can we do that if we don't even know that countries like Luxemburg or Rwanda exist? We can't pray or go to a country that we don't know exists. I'm excited, it should be fun!

Hopefully I can ace my own test!


chaniemom said...

Hi! My husband and I are lovers of geography. We love the Lord Jesus, too. And we are hoping to go pick up our first child through adoption in Thailand. She is a preteen girl. Feel free to visit our blog is you'd like to follow our story.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the test!

Leland Acker said...


Have you ever tried to ask Americans what the capital of their own state was?

Plus, I suspect that many Americans don't know that Canada is not part of the Continental U.S.

Of course, I am still trying to teach a certain member of my family the travel distances between Texas cities.

Beth said...

Hmmm... brings back memories of that geography "test" in Prayer for the Nations... I got pretty good at that eventually. :)